This is an EPP foam trainer that I picked up from West Michigan Park Flyers for my son to learn on. Currently it is done but needs some adjustment as its pulling to the left for some reason. I will get some more pictures and add them to this post to give a better idea of […]

FT Duster
This build is to inspire my son as Dusty from the movie Planes is one of he favorite characters. We built it from scratch using the plans from Flite Test. Plans were great, the only thing I should have payed more attention to was the wing and how they put it together. I think it […]

Free Audiobooks
I just wanted to post this for every one as its a great place to find some free audio books that are in the public domain.

FrSky FLD-02 holder for Turnigy 9X
I designed this 3d printable part to take advantage of the old antenna location on my Turnigy 9x radio. I like having the smaller FrSky telemetry screen as then I do not need to mess about with switching screens on the 9x radio when I want to see telemetry info. To mount the FrSky FLD-02 […]

Adjustable and Fixed Width Marking Gauge
This is one of my latest 3d printable designs. Its a marking gauge used in wood working. This one features both fixed marking beams set to 6mm, 12mm, 20mm and 24mm as well as a single point marking beam. The face plate has two holes so if you use two of the single point marking […]
Finding half of any angle – Bisecting
For those that do not know how to find half of an angle here is a very quick way to do so. This comes in handy when cutting trim for irregular angles.

Steampunk Aquarium
This is another older project. The one thing I failed to do at the time was properly research the materials used in the tank. Specifically the brass tubing used for the air line. Brass will leach metals into the water and kill any fish and/or plants. Lucky for me I found this out before putting […]

Entertainment Center
This project is about 8 years old at this point. At the time this was a fairly large build and it was built in place. It is a full eight feet long and I want to say about seven or eight feet tall. I actually still use this as our main entertainment center. It was […]