Designed to take two 3x2mm magnets. These paper mini bases will hold up your player characters and monsters alike.

Boscam GS920 RX Module Bay
The ancient Boscam GS920 get a much needed upgrade to support diversity by adding a 3d printed module bay to the from. The RX of choice is the Eachine PRO58 flashed with Pirx. I happened to have an old Eachine dvr laying around that I always wanted to hookup to my goggles but never got […]

FilmCell Back Light
Have you ever looked at prices for back light panels for film cells? Well I have any they are expensive. This project is not expensive and has the added benefit of not having any wires running down your walls. Only a few things are required for this: 0802 bright white leds (two per FilmCell) 2mm […]

Pi Zero W – Wireless Pen Drive
Currently I am using this with my Elegoo Mars MSLA 3d printer. I am able to transfer files via network share and then after 10 seconds the files will show up in the print menu. Start with installing raspbian light and setting up your wifi and ssh access. Instructions on how to do this. Enable […]

Monoprice Modern Retro Headphones Removable Cord Jack Cap
So I picked up a pair of the Monoprice Modern Retro Headphones to replace my old Sennheiser HD202’s. The HD202’s had a great sound but had started hurting my ears recently. So I decided to upgrade to a true over ear set of headphones. After my usual crazy level of researching the best bang for […]

Gaslands Magnetic Jammer
I have started playing a new game with my son called Gaslands. Gaslands is a super fun game of post-apocalyptic vehicular mayhem. Utilizing hotwheel/matchbox scale cars and trucks. One of my favorite parts is the modification of the cars. There are a ton of amazing wepons, wheels and even whole cars on thingiverse. There was […]

ClockClock – Software
This is part two of a multi part series that documents my process of building ClockClock the alarm clock. Check out part one. Dev Environment For this project I used Visual Studio Code combined with PlatformIO which lets me speed up build times for the project. Platform IO does a great job caching files that […]

ClockClock – Overview
This is part one of a multi part series that documents my process of building ClockClock the alarm clock. Features Sunrise alarm Bed shaker alarm Buzzer alarm Initial WiFi Setup via access point and web interface Alarm setup via web interface Time/status display Hardware Before starting on our software we should have some idea of […]

5×7 Star Wars Destiny Case Inserts
This is designed to replace my Star Wars Destiny Dice Tray design. The tray worked but this works way better as each insert is easily removable. These inserts are designed to fit inside the IRIS 5″ x 7″ Photo Storage and Embellishement Craft Case that is sold by various vendors (the container store, michaels, joann […]

Star Wars Destiny Dice Tray
I have started a new CCG and with it comes new storage solution problems. I have designed this dice/token tray to fit inside a normal ultra pro deck box along with the normal sleeved 30 card Destiny deck. Designed in Fusion 360 and the design files are available via the link below.